Τρίτη 30 Ιουνίου 2015

Tai Chi masters can generate great force

 It's possible that teaching children how to harness this ability could help them control chronic pain, manage disease and reduce stress. Recent studies from other institutions have suggested tai chi training can promote calmness and relaxation in middle school children and improve pulmonary function in children with asthma.
It's not just kids who can benefit from tai chi. Other studies at Stanford and elsewhere have shown that adult practitioners gain balance, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and immune benefits.

Τρίτη 9 Ιουνίου 2015

Tai Chi versus brisk walking in elderly women

Comparing the effects of a short style of Tai Chi versus brisk walking training programme on aerobic capacity, heart rate variability (HRV), strength, flexibility, balance, psychological status and quality of life in elderly women.

A short style of Tai Chi Chuan was found to be an effective way to improve many fitness measures in elderly women over a 3-month period. 

Tai Chi Chuan  was also found to be significantly better than brisk walking in enhancing certain measures of fitness including lower extremity strength, balance and flexibility.

Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2015

Researchers Find Missing Link Between the Brain and Immune System

Knowing already the effects of tension on brain activity and the relaxing properties of the practice of Tai Ji, a recent breakthrough study has come up supporting the relationship between brain and immune system and hence Tai Ji as a way to promote the afore mentioned.Such study may be an asset, for further supporting the benefits of Tai Ji, as scientists "have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vesssels previously thought not to exist".