Πέμπτη 30 Απριλίου 2015

Τετάρτη 29 Απριλίου 2015

Effect of Tai Chi on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults

Tai Chi shows potential to enhance cognitive function in older adults, particularly in the realm of executive functioning and in individuals without significant impairment.Findings from nonrandomized studies add further evidence that Tai Chi may positively affect domains of cognitive function.

The effects of tai chi on depression, anxiety, and psychological well-being

Tai chi, also called taiji or tai chi chuan, is a form of mind-body exercise that originated from China. It combines Chinese martial arts and meditative movements that promote balance and healing of the mind and body, involving a series of slowly performed, dance-like postures that flow into one another. As it comprises mental concentration, physical balance, muscle relaxation, and relaxed breathing, tai chi shows great potential for becoming widely integrated into the prevention and rehabilitation of a number of medical and psychological conditions.

The health benefits of Tai Chi

This gentle form of exercise can prevent or ease many ills of aging and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life.
Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medication in motion.” There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren’t in top shape or the best of health.

World Tai Ji & Qigong Day 2015 Celebrations

Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Τάι Τσι και Τσι ΓκουνγκWorld Tai Chi and Qigong Day [WTCQD], also spelled World Tai Ji and Qi Gong Day, is a global annual event held the last Saturday of April each year to promote the related disciplines of Tai Ji Quan and Qigong in nearly every country since 1999. This year the Masters of Greek Shaolin Cultural Center decided to participate in this beautiful and kind springtime global festival of body and mind health and demonstrates to the community and all the participants the wonders of Shaolin Rou Quan and Shaolin Qi Gong.